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Write a new test case

There are multiple scenarios for test, with different versions of python, redis-py and redis server, etc. The tests not only assert the validity of the expected output with FakeRedis but also with a real redis server. That way parity of real Redis and FakeRedis is ensured.

To write a new test case for a command:

  • Determine which mixin the command belongs to and the test file for the mixin (e.g., =>
  • Tests should support python 3.7 and above.
  • Determine when support for the command was introduced
    • To limit the redis-server versions, it will run on use: @pytest.mark.max_server(version) and @pytest.mark.min_server(version)
    • To limit the redis-py version use @run_test_if_redispy_ver('gte', version) (you can use ge/gte/lte/lt/eq/ne).
  • pytest will inject a redis connection to the argument r of the test.

Sample of running a test for redis-py v4.2.0 and above, redis-server 7.0 and above.

@testtools.run_test_if_redispy_ver('gte', '4.2.0')
def test_expire_should_not_expire__when_no_expire_is_set(r):
    r.set('foo', 'bar')
    assert r.get('foo') == b'bar'
    assert r.expire('foo', 1, xx=True) == 0