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Implementing support for a command

Creating a new command support should be done in the FakeSocket class (in by creating the method and using @command decorator (which should be the command syntax, you can use existing samples on the file).

For example:

class FakeSocket(BaseFakeSocket, FakeLuaSocket):
    # ...
    @command(name='zscore', fixed=(Key(ZSet), bytes), repeat=(), flags=[])
    def zscore(self, key, member):
            return self._encodefloat(key.value[member], False)
        except KeyError:
            return None

Parsing command arguments

The extract_args method should help to extract arguments from *args. It extracts from actual arguments which arguments exist and their value if relevant.

Parameters extract_args expect:

  • actual_args The actual arguments to parse
  • expected Arguments to look for, see below explanation.
  • error_on_unexpected (default: True) Should an error be raised when actual_args contain an unexpected argument?
  • left_from_first_unexpected (default: True) Once reaching an unexpected argument in actual_args, Should parsing stop?

It returns two lists:

  • List of values for expected arguments.
  • List of remaining args.

Expected argument structure:

  • If expected argument has only a name, it will be parsed as boolean (Whether it exists in actual *args or not).
  • In order to parse a numerical value following the expected argument, a + prefix is needed, e.g., +px will parse args=('px', '1') as px=1
  • In order to parse a string value following the expected argument, a * prefix is needed, e.g., *type will parse args=('type', 'number') as type='number'
  • You can have more than one +/*, e.g., ++limit will parse args=('limit','1','10') as limit=(1,10)

How to use @command decorator

The @command decorator register the method as a redis command and define the accepted format for it. It will create a Signature instance for the command. Whenever the command is triggered, the Signature.apply(..) method will be triggered to check the validity of syntax and analyze the command arguments.

By default, it takes the name of the method as the command name.

If the method implements a subcommand (e.g., SCRIPT LOAD), a Redis module command (e.g., JSON.GET), or a python reserve word where you can not use it as the method name (e.g., EXEC), then you can explicitly supply the name parameter.

If the command implemented requires certain arguments, they can be supplied in the first parameter as a tuple. When receiving the command through the socket, the bytes will be converted to the argument types supplied or remain as bytes.

Argument types (All in

  • Key(KeyType) - Will get from the DB the key and validate its value is of KeyType (if KeyType is supplied). It will generate a CommandItem from it which provides access to the database value.
  • Int - Decode the bytes to int and vice versa.
  • DbIndex/BitOffset/BitValue/Timeout - Basically the same behavior as Int, but with different messages when encode/decode fail.
  • Hash - dictionary, usually describe the type of value stored in Key Key(Hash)
  • Float - Encode/Decode bytes <-> float
  • SortFloat - Similar to Float with different error messages.
  • ScoreTest - Argument converter for sorted set score endpoints.
  • StringTest - Argument converter for sorted set endpoints (lex).
  • ZSet - Sorted Set.

Implement a test for it

There are multiple scenarios for test, with different versions of redis server, redis-py, etc. The tests not only assert the validity of output but runs the same test on a real redis-server and compares the output to the real server output.

  • Create tests in the relevant test file.
  • If support for the command was introduced in a certain version of redis-py (see redis-py release notes) you can use the decorator @testtools.run_test_if_redispy_ver on your tests. example:
@testtools.run_test_if_redispy_ver('gte', '4.2.0')  # This will run for redis-py 4.2.0 or above.
def test_expire_should_not_expire__when_no_expire_is_set(r):
    r.set('foo', 'bar')
    assert r.get('foo') == b'bar'
    assert r.expire('foo', 1, xx=True) == 0

Updating documentation

Lastly, run from the root of the project the script to regenerate documentation for supported and unsupported commands:

python scripts/

Include the changes in the docs/ directory in your pull request.